Friends of WVU Hospitals Gift Shop
Through the support of Friends' of WVU Hospitals Auxiliary, the gift shop at Ruby Memorial Hospital provides a valuable service and raises funds that benefit patients and guests of WVU Medicine. The Friends Gift Shop, located just off the main lobby next to Starbucks, is operated by Friends of West Virginia University Hospitals.
Always available: gifts, snacks, WVU merchandise, home décor, uniforms/scrubs, and more.
Please call Gift Shop to place your custom basket orders. Prices vary based on items included. Custom baskets will be delivered free inside the hospital and include a small gift card of your choice.
The perfect gift
The gift of reading
Free hospital delivery
What Your Gift Shop Purchase Supports
While finding the perfect gift, you’ll also be supporting patient comfort and care programs at WVU Medicine. Proceeds from Gift Shop sales are used by the hospital auxiliary, Friends of WVU Hospitals, to support a variety of programs, including those at Rosenbaum Family House, the Mary Babb Randolph Cancer Center, and the Betty Puskar Breast Care Center.

Friends Gift Shop located at J.W. Ruby Hospital in Morgantown, West Virginia includes gifts, snacks, WVU merchandise, home décor, furniture, a scrub shop, and more.
While finding the perfect gift, you’ll also be supporting patient comfort and care programs at WVU Medicine. Proceeds from Gift Shop sales are used by the Friends of WVU Hospitals auxiliary, to support a variety of programs, including those at Rosenbaum Family house, the Mary Babb Randolph Cancer Center, and the Betty Puskar Breast Care Center.
We provide valuable services for WVU Medicine patients, their families, visitors, and employees. Proceeds from the shop benefit the mission of the hospital auxiliary, Friends of WVU Hospitals.
Over the years, Friends has provided more than $1 million in funding for a number of patient comfort and care programs, including the patient/employee communication system, a Rosenbaum Family House stay unit, the Comfort Fund and the Norma Huggins Cancer Research Endowment at the Mary Babb Randolph Cancer Center, the Betty Puskar Breast Care Center, CPR Anytime training kits for local schools, scales for heart patients, defibrillators, patient supplies and transportation, and much more.
Our Team
Making sure that we support patient comfort and care while we provide valuable services for WVU Medicine patients, their families, visitors, and employees.

WVU Medicine Children's Gift Shop